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Preparation is the key to successful emergency response and improved student safety.
When it comes to student safety, school administrators need to be 10 steps ahead at all times. Having an emergency response plan that is mapped out and ready for deployment reduces uncertainty and empowers your staff to make the right decisions for keeping their students safe.
A well-executed emergency plan can provide the following benefits for your K-12 school district:
We’ll work with your K-12 school district to implement your crisis management plans into CatapultEMS’ integrated safety management system, which keeps everything accessible, connected, and working together when an emergency or threatening situation occurs.
Your school district will benefit from:
Easy digital access to all emergency plan documentation, including emergency response protocols, checklists, evacuation maps, and public statement scripts that help staff know how to respond in any situation
Identification of a school Safety Team, which will be the first to be alerted when a school incident occurs (typically consists of school and district administrators, safety directors, and local first responders)
Digital housing of student-guardian reunification plans, which include the identification of off-site reunification venues and processes for confirming legal guardian identity
Creation of communication pathways and automated alerts to enable fast and uninhibited updates in the event of an emergency
Staff training and drills to turn emergency response procedures into muscle memory and increased readiness
System implementation and integrations based on your school district’s specific safety goals and needs
Evaluation of procedural gaps that need to be addressed in order to improve campus safety
The ability to assess unique school site needs based on tip reporting and other trends captured through incident data
Alignment with the “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s Standard Response Protocol (SRP) and Standard Reunification Method (SRM)
Simple integration with other systems commonly used by K-12 school districts (includes WeTip integration)
As a Mission Partner of the “I Love U Guys” Foundation, our emergency management solutions align with the foundation’s Standard Response Protocol (SRP) and Standard Reunification Method (SRM). This means CatapultEMS’ solutions are designed to reflect the research-based best practices that have been established by the “I Love U Guys” Foundation, which have been recognized as the gold standard within the K-12 education industry.
An emergency can strike at any moment. When a school is prepared with an emergency management plan in advance, staff members know exactly which actions they need to take, from immediate notification of law enforcement and school officials to protocols for reuniting students with their parents or legal guardians. Emergency response plans reduce panic and improve emergency response efficiency, which helps boost safety for students, staff, and even members of the community.
A reunification plan is a school district’s set of procedures for returning students to their parents or legal guardians after a school emergency or crisis occurs. School emergencies can already be extremely stressful for both students and their families, so it’s important that the reunification process goes as smoothly as possible in order to reduce the level of trauma they are experiencing.
School districts should have plans and systems in place for logistics such as identifying and communicating the location of student pick-up venues, accounting for the location of all students, confirming legal guardian identity, and documenting successful reunifications in real time. Learn more about CatapultEMS’ reunification support.
Student and staff directories are imported into the system nightly, which means school staff start each day with an up-to-date roster in case it is needed for student and staff accountability. In the event of an emergency or threatening incident, staff members can use these lists to account for themselves and their students in a specific location, such as a classroom, the library, the cafeteria, etc.
The “I Love U Guys” Foundation is known for setting the gold standard for emergency response protocols in K-12 schools. Because of CatapultEMS’ commitment to school safety, we have become a “I Love U Guys” Foundation Mission Partner, which means our emergency management solutions align with the foundation’s data-driven best practices for crisis response – particularly their Standard Response Protocol (SRP) and Standard Reunification Method (SRM). Learn more about the I Love U Guys Foundation and their best practices for emergency response.
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