First Responder Integration

Get immediate, two-way communication with law enforcement and fire first responders in a school emergency or incident.

Get First Responders on the Scene Faster

In a school emergency or incident, rapid communication and collaboration with first responders is of utmost importance. In the least critical situations, that communication can de-escalate an issue and put involved parties at ease. In the most critical situation, it can save lives.

CatapultEMS is an emergency management solution with emergency dispatch integration, which allows school administrators and staff to immediately alert the appropriate local first responders instead of going through a general 911 call center.

This direct access allows for faster and more efficient emergency response, which is a game changer for student and staff safety.

100% Anonymous 24/7/365

Beating Traditional 911 Calls

Consider this… Active shooter situations are usually over within 10 to 15 minutes before law enforcement is able to arrive on the scene, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

First responders integrated into the CatapultEMS system arrive on scene an average of 5 1/2 minutes earlier than a traditional 911 call.

A Direct Connection to Local First Responders

With CatapultEMS, K-12 school districts can:

Panic Buttons

Use panic buttons to request immediate help from first responders

Quick Response

Bypass busy phone lines and get quick direction from first responders

Empower Law Enforcement

Empower law enforcement to communicate directly with staff and teachers in their locations during an incident and prioritize emergency response

Alert Staff

Alert staff with police-initiated lockdowns and directives during threatening situations that are unfolding either on campus or in the local community

Mobilize Faster

Mobilize faster during emergencies and prioritize multi-agency, multi-faceted response

Reduce Time Spent on Briefing

Help first responders arrive at the scene ready to act on information from CatapultEMS, reducing time spent on briefing

First Responder Efficiency

Provide timely details that enable first responders to move efficiently through a facility so they can ensure areas are safe and tend to people in need

Maximize Safety

Maximize efficiency and safety for students, staff, and the community

Which First Responders Use CatapultEMS?

CatapultEMS is used and trusted by:

  • Local police departments
  • Local sheriff’s department offices
  • Local fire departments
  • Local highway patrol divisions
  • School resource officers (SROs)

The 5 Steps of School / First Responder Collaboration

How CatapultEMS Allows Schools and First Responders Work Together to Improve Student Safety

Step 1:

School administrators IDENTIFY law enforcement, fire first responders, and school resource officers (SROs) to partner with in their emergency response communications.

Step 2:

School administrators ASSIGN first responders to specific communication groups within the CatapultEMS emergency management system. They are typically assigned to a school’s safety team, which includes the key decision makers in the event of school emergency or threat. However, the school district may also create a separate first responders communication group reserved for escalated incidents.

Step 3:

School administrators and staff immediately ALERT assigned first responder partners through CatapultEMS once an emergency or threatening situation occurs, or once the incident is escalated (depending on the communication group assignments). Two-way communication allows first responders to ask for more information as needed.

Step 4:

Law enforcement, fire department personnel, and/or SROs can view important information about the incident, such as the priority level (i.e., Code Yellow or Code Red) and the incident details, allowing them to quickly ASSESS the course of action that is needed.

Steps 5:

The first responders can then RESPOND in the most appropriate and efficient manner, which may be through the delivery of directives from an off-site location or through immediate, on-site response.

The Wisdom of Experience

What our clients are saying

Chris Sachs

Police Lieutenant

Catapult allows us the opportunity to get clear and accurate information from on-site staff.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Instead of going to the general 911 call center, CatapultEMS connects school administrators and staff directly to the local first responder dispatch. This more direct form of emergency dispatch integration allows administrators and staff to bypass busy phone lines and immediately alert the right law enforcement or fire first responder teams – particularly local first responders who are already familiar with the school and its emergency procedures. This can lead to faster emergency response, which maximizes student and staff safety.

First responder integration helps ensure that law enforcement and first department teams are immediately notified when a threatening situation occurs on or near campus, which means they can take quick action to help resolve the incident. CatapultEMS’ emergency dispatch integration allows for two-way communication with school administrators and staff, leading to faster and more comprehensive briefing.
First responders who are integrated into the CatapultEMS system are able to reach the scene of a school incident an average of 5 1/2 minutes faster than a traditional 911 call.

Our team provides onboarding and training for partner first responders at no additional charge to the school district and no charge to the first responder agency. We’ll get the first responder team members imported into the CatapultEMS system, added to the appropriate communication groups for the school, and trained on how to use the platform. First responders can reach out to CatapultEMS at any time for system support.

Start The Conversation

Boost Safety with Better Communication Between Schools and First Responders

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